Infusion and injection products for critical care
Infusion and transfusion assortment include 3way stop cocks, infusion sets and ampoule breakers. Injection products, syringes, catheters and airway management.
0,40x20mm 27G
REF/GID: 800727 / I0229600
1,2x40mm 18G pink
REF/GID: 911495B / I0222479
320cm FilterStop
REF/GID: 10599 / I0186568
3g pouch ster 144pcs
REF/GID: 53J805-3011-000A / I0222248
port+wings PUR 14Gx45mm Orange
REF/GID: 12160 / I0221825
Y Clave PUR 24Gx19mm Yellow
REF/GID: 11985 / I0221854
50cm 1x2mm
REF/GID: 10526-01 / I0114918
0,4x18mm 27g x3/4 Grey
REF/GID: 900710 / I0015604
0,6x30mm 23G x1 1/4" blue
REF/GID: 911716B / I0222496
port+wings PUR 17Gx45mm White
REF/GID: 12162 / I0221827
REF/GID: 4561-001 / I0033965
REF/GID: 10502-01 / I0117742
50/60ml centrisk
REF/GID: B948364E / I0203630
0,3x12mm 30G x1/2" yellow
REF/GID: 911914B / I0222483
320cm FilterStop
REF/GID: 10591 / I0110558
0,45x12mm 26Gx 1/2" brown
REF/GID: 911792B / I0222490
Soft wings PUR 20Gx32mm Pink
REF/GID: 11814 / I0221836
180cm side tube Clave
REF/GID: 10516-02 / I0221808
5ml grad 0,2ml centrisk
REF/GID: B943727C / I0201266
50/60ml grad 1ml rak spets
REF/GID: 832059 / I0032294