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- Gloves & protection
- Products
- Gloves & protection
Examination gloves, surgical gloves and protection
Examination gloves, surgical gloves and more available in nitrile and vinyl as well as synthetic and latex gloves. Intended to be worn to prevent cross-contamination.
Medical gloves can be personal protective equipment used to protect the wearer and/or the patient from the spread of infection or illness during medical procedures and examinations.
Have you experienced any symptoms or skin reactions and are concerned it may be related to the glove you’re wearing? As a preliminary guide as to what your skin condition could be, use our partner Ansell quick and simple tool.

XS FROST White AQL1.0 150pc
REF/GID: 6425 / I0027384
M REGULAR Clear AQL1.5 150pc
REF/GID: 210282M / I0110362
L 63-864 AQL 1.5 100 pcs
REF/GID: 63864090 / I0202435
REF/GID: 210262M / I0214271
L EXTRA Clear AQL1.5 100pc
REF/GID: 6333 / I0026847
6.5 Sterile PF White 50pairs
REF/GID: 330048065 / I0203222
7.5 Sterile PF Natural 50pairs
REF/GID: 330100075 / I0203234
XL TQ-601 White AQL1.5 100 pcs
REF/GID: 163219 / I0217856
6.0 Sterile PF Natural
REF/GID: 340063060 / I0223686
M PROCEED X-Long AQL 1.0 150pc
REF/GID: 711007 / I0244341
8.0 Sterile PF Natural
REF/GID: 340063080 / I0223690
S SAFEX-LONG Blue AQL1.0 100pc
REF/GID: 6421 / I0027034
XL X-LONG Pwd&Phth.Free 100pc
REF/GID: 6309 / I0088681
M Transparent 200pcs
REF/GID: 210352M / I0191790
XS 93-260 PPE-glove 50/box
REF/GID: 93260060 / I0204394
S SENSE black AQL 1.5 200pcs
REF/GID: 210259S / I0195769
7.5 Sterile PF White 50pairs
REF/GID: 340057075 / I0203437
M LIME Green AQL1.5 150pcs
REF/GID: 6457 / I0089564
XS Acc-Free Blue AQL1.5 100pcs
REF/GID: 700101 / I0214034
9.0 Sterile PF Brown 50pairs
REF/GID: 330104090 / I0203464
XS 93-244 AQL 1.5 X-Long
REF/GID: 93244060 / I0249554
M SMART White AQL1.5 150pcs
REF/GID: 210256M / I0094172
XL LIME Green AQL1.5 150pcs
REF/GID: 6459 / I0089566
6.5 Sterile PF Natural 50pairs
REF/GID: 330100065 / I0203232
6,5 sterile 50pairs
REF/GID: 330083065 / I0203928
L STRETCH AQL1.5 100pc
REF/GID: 6328 / I0026862
L Acc-Free Blue AQL1.5 100pcs
REF/GID: 700104 / I0214037
S SMART White AQL1.5 150pcs
REF/GID: 210256S / I0094171
L REGULAR Clear AQL1.5 100pc
REF/GID: 210283L / I0116496
9.0 Sterile PF White 50pairs
REF/GID: 330048090 / I0203227
M PROCEED AQL 1.0 200pc
REF/GID: 711002 / I0225090
9 powderfree
REF/GID: 73701090 / I0249542
REF/GID: 6329 / I0010646
5.5 Sterile PF White 50pairs
REF/GID: 340057055 / I0203433
8,0 sterile 50pairs
REF/GID: 330083080 / I0203931
XXL 93-244 AQL 1.5 X-Long
REF/GID: 93244110 / I0249559
6.0 Sterile PF White 50pairs
REF/GID: 340054060 / I0203442
L LIME Green AQL1.5 150pcs
REF/GID: 6458 / I0089565
S REGULAR PhFree AQL1.5 100pc
REF/GID: 210286S / I0116488