In these recommendations you will find guidance on how to prime evercare® inLine infusion set when using semirigid container or infusion bag.
Step 1
Unwrap the IV-set and check that the roller clamp is open.
Step 2
Change position of the roller clamp and control that the tubing is unaffected and close it.
Step 3
Spike the semirigid container (A) or bag (B). Invert the container (A) or bag (B) and hang it from the IV pole or similar.
Step 4
Attach the tubing to the tube holder at the roller clamp.
Step 5
Squeeze gently the drip chamber 3-5 times to fill half of the drip chamber (too aggressive squeeze can lead to mixed air fluid below the drip chamber).
Step 6
Open the roller clamp untilthe complete tubing is primed.
Step 7
Closed the roller camp.
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