In these recommendations you will find guidance on how to use medical examination gloves including how to open the dispenser box, how to don and doff the examination gloves.
How to open the dispenser box
Step 1
Press down the opening at the perforated cut.
Step 2
Grab the loose opening part with your thumb and index finger.
Step 3
Pull out the loose part and put it away.
Step 4
Grab the glove close to the cuff area and avoid touching the finger area of the glove.
How to don an examination glove
Step 1
Before donning, ensure the gloves are free from pinholes or tears. Insert your hand in the glove...
Step 2
...and pull the glove firmly so that it fits comfortably.
Step 3
Check that the gloves fit well.
How to doff an examination glove
Step 1
Grasp the outside of the cuff of the glove without touching the skin to avoid contamination.
Step 2
Peel off, holding the glove in the gloved hand. Allow the glove to turn inside out.
Step 4
Place the removed glove in your gloved hand. Slide your fingers of the ungloved hand under the remaining glove at the cuff...
Step 5
...and peel off the second glove over the first glove.
Step 6
Discard the gloves.
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