In these recommendations you will find guidance on how to correctly don on and doff medical face masks with tie-bands.
Step 1
Ensure your hands are thoroughly cleaned.
Step 2
Place the mask on your face and make sure to cover your nose and mouth.
Step 3
Tie the upper tie-bands at the crown of your head. Tie the top tie-bands of the mask before tying the bottom tie-bands.
Step 4
Press the nose wire and unfold the mask carefully to ensure that it fits your nose and cheeks.
Step 5
Change the facemask when contaminated and as often as your local recommendations.
Step 6
Remove the mask carefully. Do not touch the front of the mask which may be contaminated. Untie the bottom tie-bands first and then the upper tie-bands carefully. You should be able to remove it without the mask landing on your clothing/skin, hence less likelihood of further contamination.
Step 7
Dispose the mask by holding the tie-bands.
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