In these recommendations you will find guidance to prime evercare® Pen needles.
Step 1
First, check the size of the needle from the dispenser information. You can also see it from the safety cover of the product.
Step 2
Make sure to have the right insulin and remove the safety cover of the needle.
Step 3
Connect the insulin pen with the insulin needle (A) and turn until you have a firm stop (B).
Step 4
Remove the outer cap and place it in upside down position.
Step 5
Do the same by removing the inner cap.
Step 6
Turn the dial up to two units and point the pen straight up and squeeze. Press the push button all the way in. You will see small drops of insulin that confirm that there is a straight path inside the needle. The dial should return to zero. Now, select the desired number of units dose.
Step 7
Insert the insulin pen into the skin, press the push button of the insulin pen all the way and maintain pressed.
Step 8
Once the injection is completed, recap the needle in the inner cap and after the outer cap without touching the caps (A). Remove it from the insulin pen and dispose it safely (B).
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